Each computer is simulated and will fall to the attackers when it takes too much damage and will start damaging other computers.

Try both sides, you can either defend against the attacks or conduct the attack yourself.

Single screen strategy game focused that plays until the attack controls all nodes or the final wave concludes. Taking approximately 10 minutes.

Cyber Security: Your goal is to minimize the number of breached machines. Use upgrades to increase the strength of your security.

Hacker: Your goal is to infect all of the machines! Use upgrades to increase the strength of your hacking skills.

The speed of the infection increases as more machines are breached!


Game Design Document - Game Jam - Anomalous Breach.docx 1 MB
anomalous-breach-win.zip 70 MB
Version 0.0.1 93 days ago
anomalous-breach-linux.zip 68 MB
Version 0.0.1 93 days ago


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I really enjoyed the sound design of this game, as well as the old dos style aesthetic. When I got into the game I had a bit of trouble understanding whether I was succeeding or failing or whether any of my upgrades or nodes were having a positive or negative effect, as all my nodes stayed at 0% Maybe this is a bug? I had to call it quits after a while. 


Thanks, we appreciate your feedback and Defending is one area where we would be looking to improve. 

The Hacker side does tend to provide a bit more of that feedback because success becomes readily apparent. Numbers start going up a lot quicker and spread to other nodes. This is a bit tougher for Defence where your goal is to keep numbers low.

One of the features we weren't able to implement in the timeline is intel gathering which would allow the defending player to slowly build understanding of the attacks being conducted during each wave to better give feedback. 

Hope you're willing to give the hacker side a try, and again thank you for trying our game.


Oh naturally I pick the less favorable option. I'll try to give hacking a go, at some point while I'm playing these jam games, but I have about 450 games to get through XD